Friday, 5 March 2010

Fret No More - President Wilson Was Ill Too!

"The patient is progressing most satisfactorily, so far, and I have good reasons to hope for a most beneficial result. It has been a big undertaking. . . . “

Sorry, this is not a line from Nigeria’s minister of information or indeed that of President Umaru Yar’Adua’s doctor. The line above was written by President Woodrow Wilson’s doctor way back when the President inner caucus tried pulling the wool over the eyes of Americans over their leader’s health.

It was almost certain that President Yar’Adua’s supporters would use the argument that Nigeria was not the first in the world to experience a very ill President; one who had been away from his duties for a prolonged period. They may have a point.

The health of a one-time US president was also under wraps and it was only recently that newly revealed documents show how Wilson's inner circle, including physician Grayson, right, tried to conceal his poor health, which preceded a major stroke in 1919. The 28th president was debilitated for the rest of his term, says Washington Post.

But that was way away in 1919 - the beginning of the last century. When there was no BBC sick-chambers-emanated interview with Mr Wilson.

Today in the cutting-edge age of technology, with the internet and mobile phones invading people’s privacy and providing second-by-second account of global events, taking a cue from the inner circle of ex-President Wilson may perhaps not be such a brilliant thing to do.

There’s fretting, there’s tossing and there turning. Yes, restlessness means the political juggernauts of Nigeria are having sleepless nights. Text messages won’t stop flying about from across the continents asking the question, “Have you seen who has seen him?”

Guest what people, the answer is, well, mmm, take a wild guess. There was a secrecy vow at the Villa which forbids aids to yap away “State secret”. So you may probably be fighting a lost battle.

But what about the beeb? Weren’t they there when the black box was lost in the middle of the Red Se until they found it in February 2010...and then boom! Section 144!

So, fret no more, I am sure the beeb will find this one again!

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